Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Pupil Leaders

School Council

The School Council is made up of a boy and a girl from each year group in the school, beginning in Year 2.

The School Council are part of the pupil voice within school, listening to the views of all children and communicating these clearly. They decide on which charities they would like to support throughout the year and think about ways to raise money. They also consider ways of improving Holy Family and many of their ideas have been put in place over recent years.

At the start of each academic year, each class elects new members, choosing from willing volunteers! Each member of the School Council is designated a role which carries specific responsibilities.


  • Building strong links with Parish sister school, St. Bernadette’s.
  • Development of our school lunchtime experience.
  • Campaigning for safer roads around our school with Jess Phillips MP.

School Council Members 2023/24

Attendance Ambassadors

At Holy Family we have introduced Attendance Ambassadors, to not only improve attendance throughout school but to enable our pupils to role model outstanding school attendance. They will take ownership of helping to improve class attendance and punctuality.

Attendance Ambassadors are chosen by their class peers and teachers. They will encourage the children in their class to attend school every day and will share the daily and weekly class attendance within their class. Attendance Ambassadors are presented with badges and are wear these with pride. In addition to this, they are invited to support the Head Teacher on the gate to promote punctuality at school.

The Attendance Ambassadors meet regularly with the Attendance Officer to monitor the attendance of individual classes within school, sharing percentages and targets, on a weekly basis within school assemblies. They support initiatives to further improve attendance and also give out a range of rewards to pupils within school.

Attendance Ambassadors 2023/24

Eco Monitors

Our Eco Monitors have been elected to work for our school environment and God’s creation. They have an important role within school to lead us in our work towards the Live Simply Award. Pope Francis has addressed us in his letter Laudato Si to work together to protect our common home.

Together our Eco Monitors will lead us to live simply, live sustainably and to live in solidarity with our fraternal family.

Eco Monitors 2023/24

House Captains

At Holy Family we have four house teams: St Matthew, St Mark, St Luke and St John.

Our House Captains are children from Year 6 that have been democratically elected to the role. Each candidate prepares and delivers a speech to their house members, and then all members are given a vote to elect their captains.

The House Captains are responsible for leading their houses at sports events in school, representing the school at event outside of school, and motivating their house members to be the best they can be. They are also responsible to collecting and totalling their house points each week.

House Captains 2023/24

Liturgical Leaders

Our team of Liturgical leaders are made up of children from Year 6.

The children are asked to apply for this role via a letter in which they explain which qualities, values and virtues they process which would make them an excellent role model to the rest of the school.

The Liturgical Leaders are a vital part of our school’s Catholic life and Collective Worship. They welcome guests to our school, giving tours and answering questions, prepare and lead whole school liturgies and assemblies, help evaluate our learning environments and collective worship and take charge of communal prayer areas throughout the school. They are true ambassadors of Holy Family.

Liturgical Leaders 2023/24

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies is a St Vincent de Paul group made up of two children from each class.

Guided by a shared sense of purpose, the Mini Vinnies meet regularly to explore innovative ways of helping others who are in need, both within our school community and beyond. The Mini Vinnies show their love for others through contributing to the common good. They work together and shine a light on the importance of reaching out to those less fortunate by extending a helping hand in times of need.

This year the Mini Vinnies have been very busy fundraising to support others. They organised guess the number of eggs in the jar and raised lots of money for our Lenten charities. Also during Advent, the Mini Vinnies ran a treat bag sale to raise money to support our fraternal families showing their dedication to helping others.

Mini Vinnies 2023/24