Our intent is to provide children with a mathematics curriculum that will allow them to become confident individuals through developing their mathematical skills to their full potential. We will also make meaningful connections to our school’s Catholic ethos, incorporating aspects of Catholic Social Teaching into our maths lessons.
We aim to present maths as a challenging, exciting, creative and relevant subject in order to promote a positive and confident attitude. At Holy Family school we understand that our pupils come from a wide variety of backgrounds with different experiences and exposure to mathematical concepts. This means that they require robust and clear progression, in small steps, to become confident mathematicians.
We want to enable our children to:
- Remember key mathematical facts and understand how these relate to other facts.
- Enjoy mathematics as a tool for problem solving and for its own sake.
- Receive a broad and balanced Mathematical curriculum and a range of appropriate learning experiences.
- Be able to reflect on their learning and how what they have experienced is linked to previous learning.
- Leave Holy Family school ‘Secondary ready’, with secure foundations for future learning.

We teach mathematics following the mastery approach. Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering the maths curriculum.
At Holy Family School, from our reception class to the end of year 6, we use the White Rose Maths schemes of learning as a basis to guide the children’s journey to mathematical understanding. White Rose Maths is based on a mastery, small steps approach, that gradually builds up to develop a deep understanding of the subject and is fully aligned with the 2014 national curriculum for maths. Through using White Rose Maths, we help the children to develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. Teachers use their expertise and knowledge to adapt and develop lessons and they may supplement the White Rose Maths scheme using resources from other sources.
Curriculum Overview
Our teaching of and curriculum for mathematics will lead to good progress over time across all key stages relative to each individual child’s starting point. It is designed to prepare children for their future in and outside of education so they can become successful in whatever they pursue by leaving our school at least at the expected standard for their age.
Our rich and broad mathematics curriculum aims to make the children enthusiastic about learning mathematics and gain an understanding of its importance in everyday life.
What our Children Say…
“We loved celebrating National Numeracy Day by taking part in a maths masterclass at KPMG.”
“I enjoy using TTRS to help me to become fluent in my knowledge of my multiplication tables.”