Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Events Gallery

Enjoy some of the special events and activities that go on at our school.

Father Hudson’s Care Good Shepherd Mass

Father Hudson’s Care Good Shepherd Mass

This week a group of children were chosen to represent Holy Family at the Good Shepherd Mass. They did us proud! Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated the Mass with Catholic schools from all over Birmingham at St Chad’s Cathedral. Each school presented the collections...

Year 5 at the Islamic Exhibition Centre

Year 5 at the Islamic Exhibition Centre

Year 5 visited the Islamic Exhibition Centre. We had an enlightening experience diving into the depths of the Islamic faith. We learned about Faith and History, the five Pillars of Islam, Family Life, and Islam and Science. We ended with activities such as Q&A,...

Peace on Earth Project

Peace on Earth Project

We enjoyed a fantastic performance sharing our drama work linked to Peace on Earth.  Charis from The Rep, Birmingham  has been working with the children in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 through drama, performance and oracy work creating images from the...

Year 4 Whitemoor Lakes Residential

Year 4 Whitemoor Lakes Residential

Before the Easter holidays, Year 4 embarked on a trip to Whitemoor Lakes activity centre for three days of challenge, fun and adventure. Pupils have taken part in a variety of activities aimed at building confidence, engaging in teamwork, and developing social skills....

Florence Nightingale Workshop

Florence Nightingale Workshop

On International Women's Day, the children in Years 1 and 2 took part in a wonderful workshop about the life of Florence Nightingale. They learned about her life, handled artefacts and learned about why she is still important today,  The children explored her life and...

A Visit from Author David Litchfield

A Visit from Author David Litchfield

On Monday 26th February the whole school enjoyed a wonderful online visit from David Litchfield, an author and illustrator. David is the illustrator of Peace on Earth and was keen to work with the children of Holy Family School having seen all our work on Twitter (X)....

Higaonon Tree Growing Project: Seeds of Change

Higaonon Tree Growing Project: Seeds of Change

As a school we are part of a collaborative project between the Higaonon indigenous people on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines and the Columban Missionaries. At Holy Family we are becoming more aware and involved with climate change. This project will...

Year 2 Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita

Year 2 Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita

Year 2 celebrated the feast day of their class saint St Josephine Bakhita. The children discovered more about her life and looked at a map of the journey she took from Sudan to Italy. They  learned about her life and the way she was treated as a slave and a refugee....

Year 1 Inspire Workshop

Year 1 Inspire Workshop

Year 1 held their Inspire workshop on Online Safety Day. It was wonderful to see so many parents in school to work with their children to complete activities about staying safe online and  learn more about how they can set parental controls on devices. Parents also...

Jack and the Beanstalk at The Artrix

Jack and the Beanstalk at The Artrix

On Tuesday 19th December Year 1 to Year 6 arrived early in school ready to travel to The Artrix Theatre in Bromsgrove to watch Jack and the Beanstalk. Once in the theatre the children enjoyed an amazing show with vivid costumes, sets and a cast of wonderful actors...