Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
KS2 Sports Festival

KS2 Sports Festival

On Tuesday, 25th March, children from both upper and lower Key Stage 2 participated in the KS2 Festival. The event featured a range of activities, including Boccia, Kurling, Archery, Indoor Rowing, Bean Bag Games, and a Table Tennis Coconut Shy. The children...
Year 5 Trampoline Festival

Year 5 Trampoline Festival

Year 5 had an exciting day at the Trampoline Festival, where they worked on improving their balance, coordination, and confidence. Throughout the event, they tackled various challenges, made steady progress, and had plenty of fun bouncing with their friends. It was a...
School Games Athletics Competition

School Games Athletics Competition

Well done to the Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who took part in the School Games Athletics Competition. Their speed and determination truly made us proud. It was inspiring to see their hard work and commitment on display as they competed in various events. The teamwork and...
Sports Week

Sports Week

With the Paris 2024 Olympic Games just around the corner, Holy Family celebrated a week dedicated to the history, culture and messages behind the Olympic games from both past and present. With the help of Bishop Challoner’s PE teachers, all the children took...