We hosted A Pop up Bookshop for all our children with amazing donations from the charity The Book Project. Every child had the opportunity to choose books to take home to share and read. The books were generously donated by The Book Project and all the books were...
On Thursday 23rd May we welcomed the amazing and talented Stringcredibles to school who performed The Butterfly Lands which took us on the journey of migration in our city and the beauty of celebrating diversity through language, clothes, food, faith and music. They...
This week a group of children were chosen to represent Holy Family at the Good Shepherd Mass. They did us proud! Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated the Mass with Catholic schools from all over Birmingham at St Chad’s Cathedral. Each school presented the collections...
We enjoyed a fantastic performance sharing our drama work linked to Peace on Earth. Charis from The Rep, Birmingham has been working with the children in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 through drama, performance and oracy work creating images from the...
On International Women’s Day, the children in Years 1 and 2 took part in a wonderful workshop about the life of Florence Nightingale. They learned about her life, handled artefacts and learned about why she is still important today, The children explored her...
On Monday 26th February the whole school enjoyed a wonderful online visit from David Litchfield, an author and illustrator. David is the illustrator of Peace on Earth and was keen to work with the children of Holy Family School having seen all our work on Twitter (X)....
As a school we are part of a collaborative project between the Higaonon indigenous people on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines and the Columban Missionaries. At Holy Family we are becoming more aware and involved with climate change. This project will...
On Tuesday 19th December Year 1 to Year 6 arrived early in school ready to travel to The Artrix Theatre in Bromsgrove to watch Jack and the Beanstalk. Once in the theatre the children enjoyed an amazing show with vivid costumes, sets and a cast of wonderful actors...
This week has been Parliament Week and all the children have been learning about democracy and about our parliament in London. As part of our learning the children took part in a vote for our whole school book project which will take place in the Spring term. All the...
We have been working hard as stewards of God’s creation and learning more about how to Live Simply. In class each year group explored different aspects of how to live simply, live sustainably and live in solidarity. EYFS – Food – pledge to eat all my...