Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Year 5 at the Islamic Exhibition Centre

Year 5 at the Islamic Exhibition Centre

Year 5 visited the Islamic Exhibition Centre. We had an enlightening experience diving into the depths of the Islamic faith. We learned about Faith and History, the five Pillars of Islam, Family Life, and Islam and Science. We ended with activities such as Q&A,...
Year 4 Whitemoor Lakes Residential

Year 4 Whitemoor Lakes Residential

Before the Easter holidays, Year 4 embarked on a trip to Whitemoor Lakes activity centre for three days of challenge, fun and adventure. Pupils have taken part in a variety of activities aimed at building confidence, engaging in teamwork, and developing social skills....
Florence Nightingale Workshop

Florence Nightingale Workshop

On International Women’s Day, the children in Years 1 and 2 took part in a wonderful workshop about the life of Florence Nightingale. They learned about her life, handled artefacts and learned about why she is still important today,  The children explored her...
Year 1 Inspire Workshop

Year 1 Inspire Workshop

Year 1 held their Inspire workshop on Online Safety Day. It was wonderful to see so many parents in school to work with their children to complete activities about staying safe online and  learn more about how they can set parental controls on devices. Parents also...
KS1 Advent Assembly

KS1 Advent Assembly

We presented our Advent Assembly to our parents and community. We shared our learning about Advent and the stories of the Annunciation and Visitation when Mary said yes to God. We finished by celebrating the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.  We created a beautiful prayer...
Years 5 and 6 go to Stratford Upon Avon

Years 5 and 6 go to Stratford Upon Avon

On Tuesday 16th November, the children in Year 5 and 6 had the wonderful opportunity of visiting the home of Shakespeare. The children in Year 6 were tour guides for the day explaining to visitors lots of interesting information about the life of Shakespeare. Our...
Year 6 at Alton Castle

Year 6 at Alton Castle

At the beginning of October, a very excited Year 6 travelled to Alton Castle to take part in a special three-day retreat. On their retreat the children took part in a variety of activities which allowed them to experience new things and to reflect on God’s wonderful...
Year 4 Inspire Workshop

Year 4 Inspire Workshop

It was brilliant to see such an amazing turnout for Year 4’s Inspire workshop. The parents were shown examples of the children’s brilliant work so far this term. Uniform and attendance reminders, and the importance of online safety and how to stay safe while online...