Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Year 3 Annunciation Mass

Year 3 Annunciation Mass

It was a very special Mass for Year 3 to lead as we celebrated the feast of the Annunciation when Mary said yes to God. The whole school took part reverently and respectfully as Father Fretch talked about the importance of saying yes and how we can all follow the...
Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita

Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita

Year 2 celebrated the feast day of St Josephine Bakhita. We discovered more about her life and looked at a map of the journey she took from Sudan to Italy. We learned about her life and the way she was treated as a slave and a refugee. We learned that she always...
Year 6 Class Day

Year 6 Class Day

Year 6 celebrated the inspirational life of our Class Saint, St Maximilian Kolbe, whose birthday is on the 8th January. We thought about how his life has inspired us and discussed the great sacrifices he made in order to keep others safe. We celebrated his brave and...
Year 3 Mass

Year 3 Mass

During the final week of the Autumn term, we celebrated Mass which was led by the children in Year 3. The children read beautifully and were extremely reverent and respectful. During our special Mass we focused on the lighting of the fourth candle on the Advent wreath...
Advent Choral Outreach

Advent Choral Outreach

During the Autumn term, Year 3 and 4 have been working with David and Alexandra Wynne from St. Chad’s Cathedral to perform songs to get us ready for the Advent and Christmas period. It has been brilliant to see so many enthusiastic faces every week taking part and...
Advent Shoe Box Appeal

Advent Shoe Box Appeal

During Advent, the Liturgical Leaders at Holy Family School organised the shoe box appeal for Migrant Help. They worked together to decide the items that they would ask each year group to donate. During assembly, they spoke to the children and showed them an example...
Year 2 Advent Liturgy

Year 2 Advent Liturgy

On Friday 3rd December Year 2 shared their Advent Liturgy with school. The theme of their liturgy was The Annunciation.They shared their understanding of Advent and lit the purple candle of Hope.They acted out the story of The Annunciation and explained why Mary was...
Advent Mass

Advent Mass

Year 4 led this year’s Advent Mass.  We remembered that Advent is a time of preparation in love Hope for Jesus’ arrival.  Father Fretch reminded us that Advent is also season of giving and reflection. Back to Events...
Year 6 Alton Castle Residential

Year 6 Alton Castle Residential

Year 6 children took part in a three-day retreat to Alton Castle. On our retreat we took part in a variety of outdoor activities which allowed us to experience new things that we had never done before. The activities challenged us, put our team work to the test and...