Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Father Hudson’s Care Good Shepherd Mass

Father Hudson’s Care Good Shepherd Mass

Our Mini Vinnies were brilliant representatives of Holy Family at the Good Shepherd Mass. Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated the Mass with schools from all over Birmingham at St Chad’s Cathedral. Each school presented the collections they had made for Fr Hudson’s...
Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

This week, Year 5 reverently led us through the Stations of the Cross where we gathered to walk with Jesus during his final hours. As we took part in the Stations, we prayed for all those who bear heavy crosses like Jesus, and we thought about those who helped him on...
Year 5 Harvest Mass

Year 5 Harvest Mass

Year 5 led our whole school Harvest Mass where we gave thanks for all the wonderful food that we have been given. During our Mass, the children prayed for all those people who work hard to provide us with the food and water that we need. We were reminded that we...
Easter Mass

Easter Mass

Father Fretch and our Year 4 children led a beautiful Easter Mass. We gathered in prayer to remember that Christ is risen and that we should make a special effort to see good in others. Back to Events...
Year 5 Stations of the Cross

Year 5 Stations of the Cross

We gathered as a school community to walk with Jesus through his final hours. We learned about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us all and saw the kindness of those who helped him. We prayed and reflected on his suffering and the sacrifice he made for us all. Back to...