Eco Warrior Retreat at the Columban Fathers
The Eco Warriors travelled to the Columban Fathers for an Eco Retreat. We taught about our role as Eco Warriors and how we can encourage others to look after the world that God has given us. During the day we created some artwork using natural materials from our...
Father Hudson’s Care Good Shepherd Mass
This week a group of children were chosen to represent Holy Family at the Good Shepherd Mass. They did us proud! Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated the Mass with Catholic schools from all over Birmingham at St Chad’s Cathedral. Each school presented the collections...
Higaonon Tree Growing Project: Seeds of Change
As a school we are part of a collaborative project between the Higaonon indigenous people on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines and the Columban Missionaries. At Holy Family we are becoming more aware and involved with climate change. This project will...
Year 2 Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita
Year 2 celebrated the feast day of their class saint St Josephine Bakhita. The children discovered more about her life and looked at a map of the journey she took from Sudan to Italy. They learned about her life and the way she was treated as a slave and a refugee....
Eco Warriors Retreat
Our Eco Warriors had the wonderful opportunity of taking part in an Eco Retreat led by James Trewby at The Columban Fathers. During the retreat they learned more about ‘Laudato Si’ and the message that Pope Francis wants us to share with others. Pope...
Year 6 at Alton Castle
At the beginning of October, a very excited Year 6 travelled to Alton Castle to take part in a special three-day retreat. On their retreat the children took part in a variety of activities which allowed them to experience new things and to reflect on God’s wonderful...
Year 1 Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi
Year 1 celebrated the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, our class saint. We all prayed and reflected on his great love and respect for animals and our environment as he is the patron Saint of Ecology. We also thought about his devotion to helping the poor and...
Year 4 Feast Day of St Terese of Lisieux
Year 4 celebrated the feast day of St Terese of Lisieux (Feast day 1 October). The children prayed, listened and showed empathy for the life that the ‘little flower’ had, and we thought about how we can all try to be examples of the generous and loving person that she...