Headteacher’s Welcome
It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the Headteacher of Holy Family and welcome you to our website.
It is an absolute privilege to have been appointed by the school Governors and entrusted with leading such a vibrant school in the heart of Birmingham, where we celebrate different faiths and cultural diversity.
I am very proud of the community of fantastic children with dedicated staff and supportive parents and governors, who work together to make Holy Family a special, safe and happy place to learn.
There is a real sense of togetherness where pupils and staff look out for each other – Ofsted, 2020.
We are a family school! Our mission encompasses everything we do ‘as brothers and sisters; we live, love and learn together, taking pride in all we do to be our very best. We aim to light a fire in the hearts of our children so that they develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally.
When working together, we can achieve the best for our children. The children become resilient learners who develop a lifelong love of learning which enables them to become responsible citizens living out the Gospel values of Jesus Christ, developing love, respect and tolerance for all.
We have high expectations in everything we do. The principles of ‘well-being’, ‘the unique child’, and developing ‘positive relationships’ are fundamental in meeting the needs of our youngest children.
We strongly believe in the core skills of reading, writing and maths, and providing an exciting and challenging broad and balanced curriculum that reflects the needs of our children enriched with visitors, trips, events and activities to immerse the children in their learning.
We hope you enjoy the website and find all the information that you are looking for.
Mrs Pauline King