Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Andrew from Severn Trent came to talk to us about where our water comes from and reminded us that we should not waste it. Our assembly was interactive, informative and lots of fun and it linked well to living simply and looking after the beautiful planet that God has given us.

After our assembly the children in Year 4 and 5 took part in ‘The Water Street workshop’ learning about the water cycle and ways to conserve water. The children carried out a measuring activity where each group looked at how various families use water and they had to decide if their families were water wasters or water savers.

Before Andrew left, he asked us to make three promises when using water in the bathroom.

  1. We have to turn the tap off when we brush our teeth.
  2. Take shorter showers.
  3. Only fill the bath half-way.

Our Eco-monitors will be reminding us of this challenge and will support us in keeping our promises.