Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Whole School Wellbeing

‘Well-being is the state in which every individual realises his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community’ (World Health Organisation).

At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, we have embedded well-being into the ethos and environment, placing it as a central priority which underpins the values of the school.

The school prides itself on fostering a warm and safe environment where pupils, staff and parent/carers feel supported and part of a very special, caring community.  We are committed to supporting all of our pupils with their well-being so they can go on to thrive and become resilient individuals with positive aspirations for their future ahead.

To continually raise awareness of and promote the  importance of mental health and well-being, the children benefit from a number of practices which have been embedded into our weekly timetable:

  • Spiritual focus times throughout each day provide opportunities for the children to sit peacefully and reflect on their feelings.
  • ‘Mindful Monday’ sessions encourage discussions around what helps the children feel good and develop a positive mindset.
  • Activities on the Zones of Regulation (a framework which categorises feelings and emotions into four colour-coded zones) provide pupils with the time to sit with, identify their feelings and find strategies to help them move forward if they are struggling.
  • Assemblies promote the importance of looking after their mental health and well-being and provide time for the children to learn about topical issues and events around the globe, like World Mental Health Day.
  • The curriculum is designed to promote positive mental health and well-being and cross-curricular links are made to ensure that children’s understanding of this is continually reinforced.
  • The Ten Ten curriculum (PSHE/RSHE weekly sessions) provides opportunities for pupils to develop social and emotional skills, attitudes and values.
  • After-school arts and extra-curricular activities are used to support self-regulation, resilience and relationship building.
  • Mindfulness activities throughout the school week encourage the children to live fully in the present moment, developing a more positive mindset by focussing on what’s hapening in the here and now.
  • The Pupil Well-being Team (made up fourteen pupils from across the school) promotes mental health and well-being awareness and team members buddy-up with children who need extra support.
  • Bespoke well-being intervention programmes are delivered by key staff to support children who are struggling with their mental health.