Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Carbon Monoxide Assembly and Workshops

Carbon Monoxide Assembly and Workshops

Therese from Safety Seymour visited school to teach us all about the dangers of carbon monoxide and she explained how we can make our houses safer. Following our whole school assembly, the children in Year 2 and 3 were lucky to have a safety workshop where they...
EYFS Meet the Animal Man

EYFS Meet the Animal Man

Chris, the Animal Man, came to visit EYFS today. He brought a honey bear, a king snake, a corn snake, a leopard lizard and our favourite was Moana the spectacled owl from Argentina. She was only eight months old and had beautiful feathers and a very big beak. The...
Tree Planting at Columban Fathers

Tree Planting at Columban Fathers

Some of our children travelled to the Columban Fathers in Solihull to plant trees as part of the tree growing project in the Philippines. The weather was kind to us and throughout the day the children all worked hard to plant many new trees. The children also had an...
Year 3 at Cadbury World

Year 3 at Cadbury World

Year 3 had an unforgettable adventure at Cadbury World where they discovered the fascinating journey of chocolate from bean to bar! They learned about the origins of the cocoa bean and explored the tropical rainforest of the Mayan Indians before travelling back in...