Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

As part of Refugee Week we welcomed Freshwater Theatre who presented Quest for the Windrush.

We learned about those people who travelled to the UK to work and how badly they were treated and how they had difficulty finding safe places to live. We celebrated the hard work of The Windrush generation and the wonderful culture they brought to Great Britain. 

We joined Debra, the Time Traveller as we took a  journey back to 1948 to travel on the Empire Windrush as it voyaged to Great Britain.

The children took part in drama, discussion and taking on roles as they took a  step aboard The Windrush and imagined what it was like to journey as passengers, arriving in Britain, to discover what settling in a new country was like, the difficulties of finding work and the discrimination that many people faced.

It was a fantastic opportunity to develop understanding and empathy for those who travelled and still today have such a positive impact on life in Great Britain.