This week has been Parliament Week and all the children have been learning about democracy and about our parliament in London. As part of our learning the children took part in a vote for our whole school book project which will take place in the Spring term. All the books have important messages and are linked to our Catholic Social Teaching and our Live Simply work.
Year 6 made videos about each book so the children had a brief understanding of each story. Each class then voted in a live simply way. The votes were collected by the school council and the winner was revealed by our MP Jess Phillips who visited school to talk about being a member of parliament, her vocation and that working together can make a difference.
We are delighted that Peace on Earth received the most votes and will be our whole school writing project book.
Jess Phillips also met with our School Council who asked her questions about her work, discussed welcoming refugees and what we can do to make Small Heath a better place to live in. I think we have some future leaders who are ready to make a difference and help others.