We have had a wonderful day working on some key actions towards the Live Simply award. These are to live simply, live sustainably and live in solidarity.
The children have walked to school and thought about food waste and general waste in school. There were lots of empty plates at dinner today and opportunities to recycle in school.
They have also donated money to our Lenten charities, dressed in blue, yellow and orange to support Ukraine and refugees. They have also written prayers to show they are standing in solidarity with refugees and the people of Ukraine. These prayers were linked together to make a chain of prayers from our school community.
They have also learned about Pope Francis’ letter called Laudato Si and have learned about our responsibility for our common home and our fraternal family. Pledges were written and now the children are challenged to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity.
It has been a day of learning together and recognisng the part we can play to care for our common home and each other.