Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

A warm welcome to the website of Holy Family Catholic Primary School.

We are a happy school blessed with a loyal and dedicated team of staff and governors who nurture and develop in our children the knowledge, skills and understanding of the diverse world in which they live.

We are confident that we provide a secure and happy learning environment and a curriculum which meets the needs of all learners.

Please see our Newsletters and Diary pages to keep you up-to-date with school events, and our Contact Us page gives you all the ways to get in touch with us. We also welcome feedback from our visitors, so please feel free to leave us a nice comment in our Guestbook, too.

Thank you for visiting, and we hope to see you again soon.

Our Current Gospel Virtues

During Summer Term 2 we are learning and growing in our faith to be


New Things on our Web…

Our web was last updated on 12 July 2024

Latest additions to our Events Gallery

Music Concerts

This week we have had two wonderful music concerts showcasing our talented children and their music skills. Our school hall ...

Eco Warrior Retreat at the Columban Fathers

The Eco Warriors travelled to the Columban Fathers for an Eco Retreat. We taught about our role as Eco Warriors ...

Quest for the Windrush

As part of Refugee Week we welcomed Freshwater Theatre who presented Quest for the Windrush. We learned about those people ...

A Bear Grylls Adventure

The children in Years 4, 5 and 6 had the wonderful opportunity of travelling to Bear Grylls for their summer ...
Awards achieved by our school